What's this???? A Lunasol ad from Sogo!
The damage so far, it's not really a lot. I said to myself I can only buy something from a big brand once a day, otherwise I'll be overwhelmed...not that I'm not already..it's been a while since I've seen Japanese brands that are so accessible to me. The drugstore, Watson's, recently added Majolica Majorca to some stores and they even have SAs there to do some make overs. I'm not gonna explain what I got in each mountain since I don't have much power left on my laptop. I'll do that when I have more time, I can't waste too much shopping time today!! XD

Heyyy!!! I miss you! Hahaha. WOOHOO I see many many many awesome things tha tI love! :D
Yayyy you got RMK's Jelly x Powder eyes, omg, I can't wait for you to try it out too!!! I hope you love the silky texture, hahaha.
I feel so excited just reading your excitement for shopping and seeing the photos!
Wow, no fair! You have easy access to all those wonderful products. I hope you don't spend ALL your money!
Oh heck, spend all your money and then do reviews for us! I hope you're having a wonderful trip!
You're so lucky, I wish we had half the brands you guys get... but then I guess I'd end up spending all my money.. =]
Hope you had a good one!
yay...MiuMiu is back...oh,I miss u so much.
happy belated bufday. when is your bufday? just check whether it is same as mine.haha
you are a happy girl.see,tons of goodies with u.. enjoy <3
hunnnnn! god i miss you!
went to some random store the other day and they had crunky chocolate! I thought of you instantly hahah
you bought so many goodies! i'm totally excited to see you try all of that stuff! I see Maquillage <3
oooh! look at all the goodies! i'm so jealous! hahahaa
and happy belated birthday! :)
aww i'm glad your having fun i can't wait till i get to go to hong kong again enjoy the food and shopping
Oooh, all of those products look so fun, I don't think I can contain myself if I ever go shopping in Asia. I haven't been back for ages, but I really want to go now!! =) Enjoy your trip! I'm eager to see your reviews and such on those goodies.
oooh i see maquillage~
cant wait to see the rest of your stash =]
yay! can't wait for all the product reviews!
Hey baby doll
Yayyyyyyyy back in the mother land ...ohhh how i miss HK and look at your haul!!! OMG!!! sooo lucky there is like sasa on every block...keep us updated on all your hauls and pics babe! how long are you there for????
She's baaaaaaaackkkk!!!
Time to upload those photos and make us all droooooool
We missed you doll face!!
super cute items!
Those strawberry rollers are cuteness! You simply MUST post pics of you using them! Please pretty please! <3
By the way, I forgot to say welcome back! =)
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