Seeing how much time I have now that school has finished (for now), I decided to do another step by step tutorial using the Visee Glam Hunt Eyes in Mauve. Again, I was quite surprised for the amount of pigmentation from the Visee palettes. I think this one showed up better than most of the palettes that I used for my EOTDs.
I have to admit I was kinda intimidated by this palette at first because of how dark the colors were (from the usual ones that I use), but I ended up liking the results.
I just sat in front of my window to take the pictures and if there's too much glare, I just pull the curtain over to change the amount of light that I want. I prefer taking pictures late in the afternoon, that way there's a good amount of light without washing out the colors.
If anyone is interested, I'm using my Panasonic Lumix FX38 that Tim got for my birthday last year.

Highlight with shade #1. I used the steps that were printed on the box of the Visee palette.
Applied shade #2 all over lid and used a bit of shade #1 to blend it together at the crease.
I must say, the Etude House brush does a very good job at picking up lots of shadow.

Line 1/3 of the way in on the lower lashline. As for the top, it doesn't really matter how thick or thin since it'll be smudged anyway, it depends how dramatic you want the finished look.

Thank you for all the comments on my last post =) I'm doing my best to start catching up on blog reading. Better than me sitting in front of the TV all day.
Do you remember my video on my weird Japanese curling comb? Click here if you forgot.
Well, Tim and I like looking for deals and he found a website that sells some really cheap stuff and some nifty beauty products, including the amazing comb I got from my friend. I know KT did a review on it as well, but I can't seem to find the post.
He's ordered from the site before and he already helped me order some things yesterday so there shouldn't be a problem with the sellers. And best of all, the shipping is free. I believe the products come directly from the manufacturer that's why they're so cheap.
Anyway, if you've always wanted to try that curling comb (Bobodave sells it for $43USD) or the fringe styler that I showed in this video, here's your chance to get it for a great price from Deal Extreme. I believe the prices at in USD.