Finally did some comparisons with the concealers side by side. I only own 4 that I use for my eye area, and 1 of them doubles as a regular concealer.
These aren't the best pictures of my eyes, mostly because I never took good care of my eye area. I never gave it a thought until last year, so it's in pretty bad shape puhaha. But I did my best to show you some pictures. I had all the concealers on for at least 3 hours.

First is the Maquillage Liquid Concealer in Natural and Sana Concealer. The Maquillage concealer comes in a clicky pen dispenser. Sometimes the product doesn't come out immediately so I press it 2 times. The second time I press it, there's enough for 2 eyes. I don't use the brush attachment, just my fingers.
The Sana Concealer just comes in a yellow tube with a pointed dispenser. Nothing special. I did a short review on this a while ago, but this time I'm comparing it with the rest of the concealers.
Prior to getting the BM and Lunasol concealer, I used both Maquillage and Sana at the same time because Sana didn't provide enough coverage, but it helped neutralize the darkness. The Sana Concealer gave my eye area a pretty good base to apply the Maquillage.
The first picture is without any product.

The BM concealer comes in a sleek black compact with a mirror inside. The product is super creamy and smooth.
The Lunasol concealer is a sample, which is taking me a long time to finish. The sample is just in a tube. It appears slightly orangey imo.
This is the before shot:
On the left side of the picture is the Beauty Maker and the right side is the Lunasol.
You can see both faired well against each other. The only difference I noticed was Lunasol appeared more orangey. Also a little bit goes a long way for Lunasol. If I over apply, my eye area would look orangey.
After 3 hours, both did held up very well, although I experienced some slight creasing for both.
After doing the tests with all the concealers, I think BM would be my favourite out of the lot. It covered very well and lasted a long time. Even though it might crease a bit in the fine lines, this could easily be fixed/blended in with a q-tip. BM is also affordable, on Imomoko, it's only $13.
My new baby! A few years ago, I bought the Fuji Pivi. It's like a mini printer but for your cellphone. I got too lazy to use the Pivi because I had to send photos from my cellphone using infared so I got this camera instead.
As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to get it one day. I've already been eyeing this camera for a while. This is the Fuji Instax Mini 7. It's similar to a Polaroid, but these pictures are the size of business cards. Very cute and only 75,000won! I went back to the camera store to get it just in time for my trip =p
Anyway, I should be in Hong Kong by the time this is posted. I won't be blogging till 2 weeks later. Thankq for the comments on my previous post, I'll get back to blogging as soon as I'm back =D