I got tagged! Might as well post it up now cuz I have nothing better to do. Well.. I actually just finished recording the sounds from my neighbour, I tell you, he's a nut case. He was just arguing with his gf about using the computer and touching her on the head?!? It was loud haha..Tim's gonna edit the video of sounds and you'll laugh once you hear what I heard XD
What is your current obsession? Folding paper stars
What is your weirdest obsession? Twirling my hair
What are you wearing today? A purple short sleeve hoodie, t-shirt and jeans
What's your favorite comfort food? Warm desserts XD
What would you like to learn to do? Dance; I'm a terrible dancer.
What's the last thing you brought? Skinfood TCM hair tonic
What are you listening to right now? the recorded sounds of my neighbour going nuts with rage
What is your favorite weather? sunny 23C light breeze
What is your most challenging goal right now? Eating less to help me lose some weight
What do you think about the person who tagged you? I don't know her that well yet, but I hope to!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be? Hong Kong
What would you like to have in your hands at right now? coca cola
If you could swap lives with anyone for one day who would it be & why? Lara Croft. Even tho she's a game character, I admire her. I've been playing TR (still is) since it came out.
If you would go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Japan
Which language do you wanna learn? Japanese and more Chinese
What do you look for in a friend? Loyalty and trustworthy-ness
Who do you want to meet in person? Ayumi Hamasaki!
What's your favorite type of music? I like a variety so it's hard to choose
Any favorite model? Janice Man
Things you wish you could change in the past? Nothing I can remember at the moment
Fashion Pet Peeve? yoga pants and ugg boots
Do you admire anyone's stye? Lena Fuji
Describe your personal style. I try to wear girly things, but it's very casual...a lot of Converse. I wish I could wear heels, but my feet are wide =/
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Demetres honey vanilla
What's your favorite makeup brand? right now..Maquillage
Do you get enough beauty sleep? yes or no? why? Sometimes, depending on what day it is.
Why did you start your (beauty) blog? I wanted someone that I could talk about makeup to without it going out the other ear.
Hmm..I hope this was good.
I tag a few people that needs probing!