A package from Angie! You're so uber sweet to send me all these goodies! I was quite surprised actually. Thankq so much Angie!!!!! She included some NYX e/s and I have never tried NYX before so I'm curious to know how they work out. The browns are perfect since I'm opting for a more neutal look these days. I can't wait to try the Mario Badescu items too! Thanks again!

I was tagged by Ning Star!
What’s your favorite eye shadow color to wear?
Pinks,and Browns (I know...boring huh?) and sometimes Purples
What’s the one product you wouldn’t leave your house without?
Blotting sheets and a mirror. My T-zone is a mess by mid day =p Are those products? If not, then it would be the makeup palette and liner I'm using for the day just for touch ups.
What’s your favorite makeup look – high drama OR natural?
I like natural cuz I don't wanna look sooo dramatically different without makeup. Sometimes I layer on a bit more color.
Which feature do you play up the most?
Eyes of course, I'm not good at doing the whole blush face sculpting thing for my cheeks.
Which feature do you try to downplay/cover up?
Dark circles..ewww...but I still think they're noticable at times.
Your favorite makeup brand, if you could pick only ONE to exist?
Right now it's probably P&J. I just spent a poop load of money on it.
Which product have you re-purchased OVER and OVER again?
Imju Dejavu Fiberwig Mascara. I've been using it for at least 4 years (not the same tube of course haha). You should seriously give it a try. Although it doesn't thicken lashes as much as you might think, it really lengthens very well. Best part..it stays put and it's easier to remove than the MM mascaras.
Which product would you NEVER repurchase again and why?
Covergirl lipsticks and lipglosses...blecchh!! They're so drying!
One beauty treatment you would always PAY to have done?
My nails, but I've only done them once and realized I wasn't meant to have fake nails. I don't take care of my hands and I tend to break my real nails a lot haha.
One beauty treatment you would NEVER pay to have done?
Facials that involve blackhead removal, they hurt sooo much!!!!!
One beauty trick you can share with everyone:
I don't really have any, sorry! But I do use those non Q-tip brand q-tips things, the Asian ones, because the cotton tends to stay put instead of going into my eye and under my contacts when I'm trying to fix eyeshadow. Q-tips suck, but I'm still stuck with half a box.
Best advice you've ever been given regarding beauty and makeup?
Fuz's way of applying cream/liquid foundation. She does that patting kinda motion and I found that it helps in preventing flakiness on my cheeks. Check out her vids!
I'm tagging Eri and Beautify My Soul!!
what a great swap!
i'm going to california for a few days to visit my friend.
i love namie amuro!
i saw tat Fiberwig mascara and tot whether is tat the same as urs ? I almost got it on hand but my bf stopped me... I'd spent too much on cosmetics recently.. i guess hav to wait for a few more mths until i can get this mascara.. kekeke...
XD why does it remind u of me?
heehee if only i were that pretty
whee for swapping!
lemme know how the nyx is!
Cute video! And how sweet of Angie, but both are you are sweet girls! Since I started stalking your blog, I knew some of your answers for the tag, hehe.
i love namie amuro!
her eyes are the best! so pretty!
oh and i love imja dejavu fiberwig mascara too!
i emptied 2 bottles, and this is my third bottle.. its crazy!
=) it doesnt clump xD i bought so many other mascaras, and this one still my favorite, winning over those high end brands =)))
great...Angie again..hehe . she is so sweet.
U must try out the lip rescue.. it is very great for me... oh,Boscia..I wanna try it too..hehe...
I wanna try some P&J too,but I have no idea how to get them >.<
oooh you'll love NYX single shadows..some are chalky but some are pretty pigmented :)
I see you're getting more love ^-^ I agree CG lippies and glosses are drying. I'm more into neutral looks too but only cuz I can't apply makeup well to do the high drama. I try but I know I need alot more practice. Interesting MV I like the makeup on her and her backup dancers. I wish I could understand the entire song though.
Ahaha LOL, I know I'm the same too. Right now I'm wishing/hoping that it'll get warmer soon but when it comes to summer I'm wanting cooler weather. =D
I think the bb cream I did on the review on is the only bb cream from Missha w/ no spf in it. I think this bb cream was one of the first bb creams that came out. I know it's the first bb cream released by Missha. I think the better version to this bb cream would be Missha M Vita bb cream. Looks just like this one except it's bottle is gold instead of siiver and it has spf in it.
hey hun can you email me at spankedelic@yahoo.com and give me her shipping address? i need to send her something. i commented her asking for address but haven't heard from her yet. i was supposed to pick her up something a few weeks ago!
LOL more US package terrorism!!
Yeah, I'm excited to get the Cargo pressed powder as well! I saw great reviews on it, but I've never tried any Cargo products so I don't know much about the brand. I was looking for a perfect pressed powder for touch ups and I've tried a lot. I wouldn't loved for Dior to work, since the packaging is so pretty haha. However, the shades aren't beige enough, they're kind of pinkish. I was about to order the YSL one because I swatched it over primer and it looks nice, but it has a hint of shimmer, which I don't really want because my t-zone tends to get a little oily. Okay, I ramble too much! haha
Aww the song does remind me of Yumeko and Tia!! Hahaha
I'm glad you like everything! I hope you figure out which cleansing oil works for you!
Oh I wanna know what Cuttibebe got you!!!!!!
Hahha I always use Q-tips because I go through like 10 a day and Costco sells them in bulk =P
i want a hat just like that one in the amuro video haha
oh the polish is so pretty!
I prefer the cotton buds in Korea as the ones I used to buy in England were rubbish and also did that flaking off in the eye thing which is sooo vile when you can FEEL it on your eye!
Let us know how the NYX shadows work out. I hear people raving about them all over blogs, youtube and MUA but I've never had the chance to try them properly.
hooray for swaps! will wait to see whats in the other one :)
it makes you feel a bit sad and pissed at the same time..if only you knew they were "that" similar..haha..at least in some countries you can return it :) here in my country??? NEVER. you can NEVER return a USED item :) haha sucks to be here
great swap and i love namie!! she's a great singer and an even better dancer!
you should try though.. dont line too far.. only halfway or just a bit xD it does make ur eyes bigger.. but this kind of make up doesnt last long lol it will smudge..
thank you~ wah im so happy~ a pro like u~ lol xD go go do it~
I love Namie Amuro !!
I loved the clothes her .. aiai that beautiful video!
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